Operations Core

The Operations Core leads administration and operations of the overall I-HEAL grant in addition to mentoring, training, and professional development for the next generation of rehabilitation scientists. By fostering the development of early/mid-career researchers, we are advancing implementation science research to support development of a TBI implementation science workforce.


Picture of the IHEAL logo surrounded by text


    Conduct study collaboration to ensure that the study results will be relevant, practical, and acceptable to members of the professions who belong to their respective professional organizations.
    Assist and advice in the dissemination of results, community outreach, and policy development.
    Ensure engagement measures align with the principles of CBPR by utilizing standard metrics for successful outcomes.

Operations Core

Photograph of Dr. Richardson.

Risa Nakase-Richardson, PhD

Contact Multi-Principal Investigator Operations Director

Photograph of Ms. Phillips

Leah Phillips, MPH

Research Service Liaison Operations Co-Director

photograph or Ms. Decker

Cassandra Decker, MA

Project Manager, Qualitative Researcher

Silhouette of a blue person on a white backdrop.

Amanda Tweed, BA

Project Manager

photograph or Dr. Ching

Deveney Ching, PhD

Project Manager