Introducing I-HEAL

Improving Health Care Access and Engagement for Veterans and Service Members with TBI Morbidity

photograph of the I-HEAL team


After a traumatic brain injury (TBI), Veterans and Service Members (V/SM) may experience difficulties with thinking abilities (memory, judgment, problem-solving, comprehension), physical abilities, and behavioral changes. Individuals with TBI face poorer healthcare experiences and outcomes, including higher hospitalization rates, more injuries, and shorter life expectancy. The I-HEAL study team has shown that these challenges impact their ability to access and use high-quality healthcare. Our study focuses on practical solutions through Implementation Science, as recommended by the National Academy of Science, Engineering, and Medicine, to improve healthcare access for TBI patients.

word cloud describing I-heal


Implementation Science bridges the gap between research and real-world application by rapidly moving findings into clinical practice. This emerging field uses both qualitative and quantitative methods to promote evidence-based care, ensuring that research translates into better healthcare for all patients. I-HEAL's mission is to apply this approach with 4 innovations to improve healthcare access for Veterans and Service Members with TBI and other comorbidities, ensuring they receive the specialized care they need to thrive

picture of a finger pointing to a good idea.

Tune in to I-HEAL’s Podcast

The Defense Health Agency's “Picking Your Brain” podcast focuses on the latest TBI research and clinical recommendations, the effects of TBI on military readiness, Veterans, and the loved ones who support their recovery process.

In the latest episodes of "Picking Your Brain," VA researchers and TBICoE clinical experts come together to discuss the groundbreaking I-HEAL study.

Listen to Part 1 Listen to Part 2

image of a brain with various colors.