I-HEAL’s Innovations to Improve Access

Research studies suggest individuals with traumatic brain injury (TBI) have poorer health care experiences and outcomes compared to persons without TBI. Persons with TBI have higher rates of hospital stays, higher rates of injuries, and tend to die younger. The study team has shown that these changes impact the ability of Veterans and Service Member’s access to high-quality healthcare. The I-HEAL proposal includes four innovations with the common goal to address key knowledge gaps and build evidence toward improving access to high-quality care for persons with TBI.

First Innovation

icon of a computer screen and a bell

Cognitive Flag Decision Support Tool

A systems intervention designed to cue providers to include healthcare proxies to compensate for cognitive disabilities.

More about Project 1

Second Innovation

picture of a finger pointing to a good idea.

Adapting Evidence-Based Therapies for Engagement

Provider resources designed to accommodate cognitive challenges in therapies.

More about Project 2

Third Innovation

picture of a finger pointing to a good idea.

Team-Based Behavioral Intervention (TeamBI) Playbook

Provider resources designed to accommodate cognitive challenges in therapies.

More about Project 3

Fourth Innovation

picture of a finger pointing to a good idea.

Data-Driven Policy Recommendations

Policy recommendations designed to adapt policy Image mandates for TBI-related disabilities.

More about Project 4